Walking an hour a day can help you lose weight. Actually it can help you lose weight fast. The question is, how much walking can you do and for how long. In this article I'll tell you the answer.
How long a walk do you need to do to see results? You can't do it all at once. That would be crazy. If you just go for a short walk, that's enough. You don't need to run or even walk fast.
You need to pick a time of day when walking will be more beneficial. In your spare time. If you're always running around you are only hurting your body. If you start taking walks in the evenings or mornings you will burn more calories. In the morning especially you will feel rejuvenated and more energetic.
So how much walking can you do? It depends on how busy you are, if you walk during the day as well as during the night. That's how I do it. I try not to do exercise in the summer too. There's nothing like walking on a nice cool evening.
If you have trouble finding time for exercise, you can buy a treadmill and use it to do your walking. The best ones will give a visual indicator as to your current speed and distance. You can set the level you want to walk at and the speed you want to walk at. The great thing about these treadmills is that they are relatively inexpensive and you can get one to use for less than $80.
You may be saying to yourself that I don't need a treadmill to lose weight and walking is too easy. Well you don't need to be running on a road or through a field to be exercising. Walking has been used for centuries to burn calories and strengthen our bones. Just because you're not walking through a field does not mean you can't burn calories the same way.
A good way to start is to pick a specific route you want to walk. Then look up the mileage you need to cover. Then buy a good pair of shoes. Buy a pair of shoes that you would normally wear to exercise. Buy a pair that supports your knees and doesn't give you blisters from rubbing.
Can you lose weight by walking an hour a day? It's possible. If you do all the things listed here you will lose weight and keep it off.
First, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn through your exercise. Eat smaller meals more often. Eat breakfast and lunch to get your metabolism going. This will help you burn fat throughout the day.
Second, you have to walk. You can't just sit on the couch and watch TV. The TV will do nothing but cause you to continue to eat. It also forces you to eat unhealthy food because you are focused on something else. So just go walk some. It will help you relax and get into the swing of things.
Third, you need to walk with purpose. Go out for a walk on your own, or with friends. Get in the habit of getting up and going for a walk. You need to feel the air beneath your feet and the sun on your face. This will help keep you motivated and on track.
So if you want to know the answer to the question, "Can you lose weight by walking an hour a day?" Then just follow these steps. You need to start a walking routine today. The sooner you start, the sooner you will lose weight.
Now remember, it doesn't happen over night. You can't just go on a diet and expect to lose weight that easily. Also, there are no magic pills when it comes to losing weight. You need to have a commitment to yourself and your weight loss goals. Take this step today and start the journey to a slimmer, healthier you.
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