'How Did Chrissy Metz Lose Weight?' is a very entertaining film about a young girl's quest to lose weight. The movie has a lot of the elements you would expect in a weight loss comedy and works quite well as a movie. However, it does have some more serious elements as well that may appeal to a slightly older audience.
The movie is directed by Morgan Freeman and written by Stephanie Meyer. It tells the story of Chrissy Metz, a young girl who lives with her parents in upstate New York. She goes off to college and after she drops out drops herself into a dieting program. While she is enrolled she meets her friend, Dave (Martell Brando), who also goes through a weight-loss program. The two become fast friends and go on a journey trying to lose weight together.
Chrissy soon discovers that she can lose weight by following a strict diet and exercise plan set forth by Dave. She is determined to not let herself be swayed by peer pressure and the desire to look like her favorite former swimmer girlfriend in a swimsuit. After losing some weight, she realizes that she is still insecure about her body and longs to find out what she weighs before trying any new fad diets. She tells her parents and then seeks out the help of Dr. Erickson, a doctor famous for his weight loss methods.
Dr. Erickson tests Chrissy on a number of dieting programs and checks to make sure that she is physically able to lose weight. She is also evaluated on her mental status as she deals with being a new student and a new town. Her mother tries to encourage her by telling her that losing weight is possible even if one cannot see it. Dr. Erickson also checks on the blood pressure of Chrissy to make sure that she is a healthy and strong female.
After attending a few more weight loss camps, Dr. Erickson decides that it is high time that he found out how Chrissy lost the weight. He tells her that while he cannot offer medical advice, he will be able to tell her how she will be affected if she does indeed lose the weight and goes on to live a happy and healthy life. He also shares with her the number of benefits that she will experience if she loses the weight and develops good habits. Chrissy finds it difficult to deal with accepting that she is unable to run or lift weights due to her small stature, but thanks to the help of her father and the doctors, she has no choice but to follow the program.
While on the diet, Chrissy finds it difficult to concentrate on anything other than the size of the many numbers on the scale that constantly float by her. She also learns that exercising helps lose weight, but doing so also makes her weak and exhausted. In addition, her father tells her that there is no point in trying to lose weight because doing so will only cause her to become fat again. Frustrated with the whole process, Chrissy decides to cancel her plans for an exercise program.
A short while later, Chrissy meets Bob, a thirty-year-old fitness instructor, at a gym. Although he looks a bit older than his actual age, he is in good physical shape. Before he can start on with the program, however, he tells Chrissy that it would be impossible for her to lose weight in her current condition. This makes Chrissy extremely disappointed, but she quickly learns that there are other options available to her.
When learning how did chrissy me lose weight, Dr. Reza Al Qadi reveals to her that she would have to undergo a gastric bypass and go through a weight loss surgery in order to achieve her dream weight. Although she is understandably devastated by the prospect of having to change her body, Dr. Al Qadi assures her that it is possible. To help Chrissy lose weight and look younger, she is scheduled for a surgery that reshapes her stomach. This surgery, called a gastric bypass, will allow her to eat more spicy foods, fatty food, and sweets. Because of this drastic procedure, Dr. Al Qadi realizes that Chrissy is the ideal candidate for this procedure.
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